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domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

Porqué Fernando Lugo mantiene al Paraguay como país más corrupto del mundo

Porqué Fernando Lugo mantiene al Paraguay como país más corrupto del mundo

1 comentario:

bluesky89 dijo...

The Times: Romania is the first exporter of prostitution from Europe.
In Denmark, Romania is the country with most prostitutes.
Milano: Eight of ten prostitutes which practice “job” in Milano are romanian woman including Ioana Visan, Berlusconi's prostitute.
Roma: 85% of prostitutes in Rome are romanian woman

Tel Aviv: "Corruption in Romania is a national disease"
La Croix: "Romania, the most corrupt country in Europe"
The Observer: "To 22 years after the Revolution, Romania's corrupt and bankrupt"
El Pais about Romania: "corrupt and without money"
German Bundestag: "Corruption in Romania is a worrying problem"

Angelos Giannakopoulos,coordinator of the study "Crime and Culture - relevant perceptions corruption to crime prevention " (CE study):
“For Romania one can speak of a generalized culture of corruption. Citizens consider corruption as a normal way to solve things. This way of thinking and doing is deeply rooted in moral attitudes, conceptual and practical of everyday life.”Romanians have the perception of a kind " mafiot whole " above the law, that are aggregated multiple interests from all sections of society: politics, police, judiciary, ...

"The Romanians are the scum of Europe, not working, stealing, prostituting their children and women. Learn to steal before you read it, Spain is eaten by this wilds, they live worse than animals. Many countries banish romanians. I'm not surprised by any barbarity committed by this gross", wrote Carmen, La Razon newspaper readers one